Angelica G. Rosario

My Interests & Hobbies

My Works

  1. Website 1
  2. Website 2
  3. Website 3
  4. Website 4
  5. Website 5

My Goals


Nice designs - Trinidad

Wow, it looks cool! - Gasta

Cute design Angelica! - Escuro

It's very unique, I like it. - Ilagan

Wow, nice work! - Armedilla

Comment Section

You can do it! I belived in you! - Gasta

May all your dreams came true! - Armedilla

Wishing you all the best of luck, Ange - Kian

Live long and prosper! - Jai

My Bestfriend lets go!! - Escuro

My Thoughts about F2F Class

I believe face-to-face classes are more real life experience because instructors can keep track of each student's progress and see who's engaged. Personally, I find it easier to concentrate and understand the material when I'm in the classroom.


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